What is a Longevity Lifestyle?

By optimizing these
five lifestyle factors,
you can have substantial impacts on your longevity.

Many of these changes can be made a little to no extra cost, making them the perfect starting point in creating your unique
longevity strategy.

Each of the following sections will lead you to more information about the chosen lifestyle factors. We suggest that you first learn about the longevity mindset and create a basic longevity strategy first, so that you know where to start and don’t get overwhelmed!

Explore the Five Longevity Lifestyle Factors

Getting enough, quality sleep is essential for your longevity. We explore the basics of tracking and improving sleep, and introduce you to relevant technologies which may help optimize your sleep. 


Cut through the noise around ‘diet’ and learn to dial in on what works best for you. Use your disease risks to inform your choices and explore how to track how your nutrition and ensure it matches your unique needs. 


No matter how you approach longevity, a well balanced fitness routine is essential for sticking around. If you tell your body to be strong, it will listen. Skip the overwhelm, start with what you love to do, and build from there.


All of this talk around longevity won’t make much sense to you unless you love yourself, enjoy your life and want to be here. We share strategies for tracking your mood over time and explore technologies which can help you relax.

Mental Health

Where you live, the water you drink, the stressors around you - each have important impacts on your wellbeing. Learn to identify opportunities for optimization and improvement in your life. 


Your Progress

Up next:


Once you’ve laid the foundation for a longer life by optimizing your lifestyle, you’re ready to explore the exciting world of longevity technologies!