Sleep & Longevity
Sleep is essential for your health, this is of course quite obvious!
Research is continuing to highlight the important role of sleep for your longevity. At its essence, there are three major factors that determine if you are sleeping well.
Sleep Duration
how much you are sleeping
Sleep Quality
how well you are sleeping
Sleep Schedule
how regular your bedtime
/waking time are
Let’s look into each of these in a bit more detail…
How much sleep do you need?
It of course also depends on…
Sleep quality. How well are you sleeping?
Nick discusses sleep with OneSkin CEO Dr. Carolina Oliveira.
You need a regular sleep schedule.
Let’s start this off with a startling fact revealed in the latest scientific research about sleep…
This is because sleep is one of the most important drivers of your bodily systems, such as hormone function, cellular repair and the health of your brain.
How to measure and improve your sleep
As you can already see, sleep is very important for your longevity. And in order to improve it, you have to take this matter very much into your own hands.
A longer life is here to help you become an expert in understanding how you sleep best.
We’ve compiled a set of resources to help you in tracking and improving your sleep, which you can explore below.