Pulsetto: the vagus nerve stimulator that lowers stress and improves your sleep


Vagus nerve stimulation with Pulsetto

Nick uses his Pulsetto during the work day to keep stress at bay and before bed to help him fall asleep faster

Vagus nerve stimulation is a very promising area of longevity technology. 

If you’ve spent much time learning about managing your stress levels, you’ve likely come across the terms ‘sympathetic’ and ‘parasympathetic’.  These often appear with the phrases ‘fight or flight’ (sympathetic) or ‘rest and digest’ (parasympathetic), and as the story goes - we are far too often in one state and should ideally spend much more time in the other. 

For most of us, this knowledge sits with us, but we are challenged by actually changing our behaviors enough to really shift the state of the nervous system meaningfully across our busy day. 

But what if I told you there was an ‘on switch’ for that rest and digest or parasympathetic part of your nervous system? You might want to know more about that! 

Well it turns out, there is, and it is called your vagus nerve, which just so happens to be the longest ‘cranial’ nerve in your body, connecting your brain to nearly every major organ. From the Latin word for ‘wandering’, it is responsible for sending the calming signals (via neurotransmitters) that shift your body into rest and digest. 

Given its very important role in the body, it should come as no surprise that science has found ways to stimulate the vagus nerve in order to ‘switch on’ the parasympathetic state. And the benefits of doing so, documented in decades of research, have been pretty powerful. 

What turned our heads at A Longer Life, was the important connection between vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), your parasympathetic nervous system and good, quality sleep. The emerging research on how VNS can help you fall asleep faster and wake up less frequently is quite valuable for those of us trying to sleep better (to live longer!)

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Pulsetto: vagus nerve stimulation in four minutes or less?

As we explored the emerging options for at home vagus nerve stimulation, we were attracted to the quality of the product produced by the Lithuanian based company Pulsetto.  We connected with their company mission to “empower individuals to thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally, enabling them to savor life’s journey to its fullest”, and arranged to interview their CEO and Co-Founder Povilas.

In particular, we wanted to more fully evaluate the key marketing claims on their website, including

Vagus nerve stimulation improves sleep quality, which can boost your mood, help you get more rest, and erase fatigue from your daily life
— Pulsetto website (November 2024)


When your vagus nerve is ‘switched on’ by Pulsetto, it should only take a maximum of four minutes for you to feel more relaxed. In that time, your parasympathetic nervous system does its job, slowing your heart rate, turning off stress responses, and instilling calm across your entire body.
— Pulsetto website (November 2024)

An ‘on switch’ for the parasympathetic nervous system which is available through a wearable device that sits on your neck and only takes four minutes - that sounds pretty attractive in our overly busy, stressed out world. 

Naturally, we knew we had to more thoroughly vet these claims. Our role as your guide at A Longer Life is to help you filter through the noise and hype, in order to find longevity technologies which truly work.  

Let’s see what Povilas had to say… 

What is the Pulsetto Vagus Nerve Stimulator?

Click on the ‘+’ symbol below to see each question and answer.

How often should you use Pulsetto?
How long does it take to work?

Pulsetto - Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Improved Sleep

How does Pulsetto vagus nerve stimulation work?
Do you have to use the green gel?

The science of vagus nerve stimulation
with the Pulsetto

Can the Pulsetto reduce stress?
HRV may hold the answer

What data is used to demonstrate reduced stress amongst Pulsetto users?

That’s the end of the interview, unless you want to see the FULL INTERVIEW and BONUS CLIPS.

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