Smartphone displaying health tracking app with blood pressure data, next to a black wristband.
Stylized text spelling 'AKTiA' on a transparent background.

Our partnership with Aktiia

We think that
's innovation in creating the world's first 24-7 blood pressure wearable is a game-changer for anyone with blood pressure risk factors. 

  This device has the power to extend your healthspan and even help save your life.

Aktiia Discount Promo Code

Through our collaboration with Aktiia, we have negotiated an industry leading 10% off coupon code for our readers.

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Person slicing bread in a kitchen with fruits and tomatoes nearby.
Stylized text "AKT!A" on a white background.

Blood pressure monitoring is critically important for cardiovascular risk management, but its been too difficult to measure for most.

The Aktiia 24/7 blood pressure wearable changes that. It puts continuous blood pressure monitoring within reach for millions. We believe the at-scale use of this device will help save many, many lives from preventable cardiovascular disease.

Why we have partnered with  

Our top Aktiia questions from our readers, answered

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When will the Aktiia device be available in the United States? When will it get FDA approval?

We are actively in discussions with Aktiia to make sure our audience is informed straight away when their FDA approval comes through. Current estimates are that this will be completed in late 2024. Subscribe to our ALL-in newsletter to stay up to date with the latest!

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Is the Aktiia a continuous blood pressure monitor wearable?

Yes. The Aktiia bracelet measures your blood pressure continuously, day and night. It provides you with numerous ways of viewing your data in their app, including on hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Depending on your activity level, it will take up to a few dozen measurements per day.

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Do you have to use a blood pressure cuff?

Once per month you are required to calibrate the Aktiia bracelet with a blood pressure cuff (provided when you purchase the bracelet). This takes about 5-10 minutes to complete and is done via the Aktiia app. Otherwise, it all happens via the bracelet. Be sure to read our 1:1 interview with Chief Medical Officer Dr Jay Shah to learn more!

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Scatter plot showing systolic blood pressure differences vs means, with zones marked for ±5, ±10, and ±15 mmHg. Includes statistical lines for mean (µ) and ±1.96 standard deviations (σ). Title: Aktiia validation data.

How accurate is the Aktiia blood pressure data?

Extensive validation has been undertaken by Aktiia across 5 separate research papers to assure its accuracy and precision.

We run our own, highly rigorous validation protocol in Lausanne, Switzerland at the University Hospital, in their hypertension specialty lab.

Our standard reference is called ‘double auscultation’. What the traditional “auscultation method” means is that the observer is using a stethoscope to listen to the arterial sounds to measure the blood pressure using a cuff.

... That is determined as the gold standard reference value and that is what we are comparing to.
— A Longer Life 1:1 Interview with Aktiia, November 2023

Three short videos about Aktiia

We’ve interviewed Aktiia’s CMO Dr Jay Shah to thoroughly test their marketing claims. Here, we present a few short ‘reel’ style videos. To see more, follow us on social media.

Hands on with Aktiia

Read our 1:1 technology article interview with Aktiia and about Nick’s self-experiments with the Aktiia bracelet.