1. Establish your longevity budget

Before we begin to engage with lifestyle changes and longevity technologies, we must anchor ourselves in a longevity strategy. A fundamental component to this strategy is establishing the amount of resources you can afford to dedicate to executing it.

This means you need to establish a longevity budget - the time, energy and money you have available for investing in building yourself a longer life.

This will then help shape your approach to engaging with lifestyle changes and longevity technologies to be the most effective it can be, given the overwhelming number of options you are likely already facing.

Perhaps put more simply - you don’t have the time to research every option, nor do you have the money to purchase every technology. Instead, you have a limited supply of time, energy and money - and you need to spend it where it will be most effective.

Part of our mission here at A Longer Life is to make the avid pursuit of longevity accessible to everyone, regardless of the size of your paycheck, postcode/zipcode, background or belief system.

Longevity10 pledge to yourself

As always, our methods aim to keep things simple. Creating a detailed budget might be right for some people, but then be complete ineffective for others. So we instead propose the following:

We recommend you make the ‘longevity10’ pledge.

This pledge to yourself means you dedicate 10% of your waking hours (time), energy (mental focus, learning capacity) and income on developing and executing your longevity strategy.

This might sound like a lot, but our hope is that will help to build upon the work you’ve done so far on your longevity mindset, by changing the way in which you see how you are spending your limited resources.

This pledge includes the time you set aside for healthy levels of exercise, research on your health, appointments with medical professionals, upgrading the quality of the foods you are eating - anything you’re doing in recognition of the fact that disease is not your destiny - that you have control over how healthfully you will age.

It is not about creating all sorts of extra spending (although you likely will pick up some new supplements or technologies along the way), but instead re-shaping how you see your spending as continual investment into your long-term health.

Everyone’s means are different. We’re here to help.

The amount of time, energy and money you can dedicate to this cause will add up to a different level of resource for each individual.

Some folks will find themselves with plenty of money, but very little time.

Others with less money, but plenty of Do-it-yourself (DIY) ambition.

Everyone’s unique - but at A Longer Life, here is our commitment to you:

  • we will always work to identify and provide access to free or low cost options wherever we can

  • we will always negotiate the best discounts to the highest quality services/products we can find

Three budget conscious pathways.

As we guide you in developing your longevity strategy, we will shape our content to enable you to choose one of three pathways: Budget, Balanced or Premium.

These are categorised according to the following properties, and you can choose which will suit your longevity budget best

In the following articles in the Longevity Strategy section of A Longer Life, we’ll label our resources according to these three pathways, to help you navigate the creation of your personalised longevity strategy according to your resources.

As we get started, everyone will first start with our articles outlining the ‘Basics’ , beginning with an introduce to longevity risks: what ‘risks’ are and how do we identify them?

Nick Engerer

Founder of Longevity Blog


2. What is ‘risk’? How do we identify longevity risk?